Sunrise Door and Home Software

MATCHMAKER 16-Bit Documentation

Version 5.7
Author/Contact Al Lawrence/Sunrise Door Software
Overview Match Maker allows for the matching of callers with like interests based upon answers given to questions developed by the Sysop.

You may create up to 100 questions to be asked of each caller. You may create a different set of questions, based upon the callers sex. All that is required is to assign the proper filename to each set.

You can indicate which questions you want a single choice and which you will allow the caller to select multiple choices.

You may create a trashcan file containing names you do not want used as an alias or Logon Name (registered version only).

You may limit the number of times a caller may access the door.

You may send and receive PRIVATE messages (does not affect the normal BBS message base).

Message database can accommodate unlimited number of messages. (Registered Version)

Caller database can accommodate unlimited number of users. (Registered version)

All Caller database records contain the logon name of the caller.

A maintenance program is supplied to be used to purge the databases and recreate Index files. Command line parameters define the purge criteria for Event maintenance (Registered version only). When run locally you define the purge criteria at run time (Registered version only). Unregistered version allows for the search and viewing of Callers records (search may be Alias or logon name) as well as the recreation of Indexes.

Maintenance program can clear all answers or individual questions. The Door program will then detect this and force the caller to answer the new questions).

Capable of exchanging USER and MESSAGE databases amongst any number of BBS' (NO LONGER SUPPORTED)

Caller can download Questionnaire file

Caller can upload answers to questionnaire file

You can have 2 questionnaires, one being a Self-Description the other being a Desired-Match

You can take uploaded PICTURES and attach them to the User's profile, thus making them available for viewing/downloading when that user's profile is chosen to be viewed (REGISTERED Version ONLY).

- The maximum number of messages that can exist in the Message Database is 10 in the UNREGISTERED version and unlimited in
   REGISTERED version.
- The maximum number of users that can exist in the User Database is 20, in the UNREGISTERED version and unlimited when  
Installation >>>>>>>> ++++ BE SURE THAT YOU HAVE SHARE.EXE LOADED!!!! ++++ <<<<<<<<

(1) Create a directory to hold all files
(2) Unzip the archive into the above directory
(3) Create a batch file or modify the batch file supplied. An example description of this file follows:

ECHO off
cd\PCB\DOORS\ACEY       Location of ACEY files
ACEY ACEY.CFG        filename and CFG filename (Name used in creating file in #3 above)

(4) When running in more than one node, be sure to supply a different configuration name for each node (your choice of name).

(5) If running with Fossil-based multi-port boards add /FD to the line containing the CFG name in the following example:


(6) Create a configuration file, with a name of your choice, or modify the supplied CFG file. A description follows:


# = Requires registration to change to a different value.

NOTE: There are NO Blank Lines in the Config File!!
** Location of system file (See Below)
Al Sysop's First name
Lawrence Sysop's Last name
Comm Port \     These 2 lines are required
       Node # /     ONLY for GTUSER.BBS
00000000 Registration Number
# 2 Keyboard timeout value in Minutes
10 Maximum # of Games per day (MAX=99)
# 0 Time Allowed in Door (Sysop = Time Remaining)
0 Minimum security level for access to the Message Center. (0 = ALL have access)
# N N = Allow only 1 Alias per caller
Y = Allow caller more than 1 Alias
Y Y = Include Sexual Orientations
N = Do NOT include Sexual Orientations
N N = Show dates in American Format
Y = Show dates in European Format
# 00000000 MMAKER Exchange Registration Number (NO LONGER SUPPORTED)
# MMAKER Export File(s) name generated by the MMEXCH Export option (Max 6 characters). We suggest that you use a part of your BBS Name, up to 6 characters!
Y Y = Allow caller to change questionnaire answers
N = Do not allow caller to change questionnaire answers
Y Y = Allow Uploading/Downloading
N = Do not allow Uploading/Downloading
Y Y = Allow caller to take the Default answers to the questionnaires
N = Force caller to answer all questions
N Y = Use 2 questionnaires (Self Description and Desired Match)
N = Use 1 questionnaire (Self Description)
N Y = Allow use of High ASCII characters
N = Do not allow use of High ASCII Chars.
0 Minimum security level that will be allowed to view Pictures. 0 = ALL may view
N Y = Allow Pictures to be Imported or Exported when participating in a Match Maker Network
N = Do Not Import or Export Pictures
+ 0 0 = Don't use the DOOR.SYS ALIAS option. Caller will manually enter Alias.
1 = Use DOOR.SYS Alias for MMAKER Alias
2 = Use DOOR.SYS LogonName for MMAKER Alias
3 = Same as 2; FORCES use of LogonName
4 = Same as 1; FORCES use of BBS Alias
# C:\MMAKER\ Drive:\Path where ALL Picture files will be kept. You MUST include a trailing\ or "Bad File Name' type errors will be encountered. (Registered Option)
Y Y = Force validation of STATE abbreviations. Uses valid abbreviations as recognized by the U.S. Postal  system.
N = No validation; will allow caller to enter any characters in response to STATE. I would suggest that you use N if you have any callers from outside the United States.
USA Default COUNTRY CODE to be used when entering or changing personal info or when entering Match Criteria. Maximum 3 characters
Y Y = Activate the "MUST MATCH" question
N = Do NOT activate "MUST MATCH" option
Y Y = Log all callers to USAGEx
N = Do not log callers
Y Y = Force validation of COUNTRY codes
N = No validation to take place
G Door Rating. Default is G.
Maximum Characters: 5

** Replace with ONE of the following:

C:\bbs\PCBOARD.SYS         <- For PCBoard systems using PCBOARD.SYS only
C:\BBS\CALLINFO.BBS         <- For Wildcat! systems (prior to v3.0)
C:\BBS\DOOR.SYS              <- For ANY systems that support DOOR.SYS
C:\BBS\DORINFOx.DEF        <- For ANY systems that support DORINFOx.DEF
C:\BBS\SFDOORS.DAT        <- For Spitfire systems.
c:\bbs\TRIBBS.SYS             <- For TriBBS systems.
C:\BBS\GTUSER.BBS           <- For GT Power     * if using this option you must put the
                                                                         ComPort # on line 5 and the Node # on
                                                                         line 6 of the configuration file

+ = Can ONLY be used if you use DOOR.SYS as a drop file

Download Questions to
Callers will be given the option of downloading the questionnaire and replying to it offline. MatchMaker will format the questionnaire file to make it easier for the caller to read. The reformatting takes place in one of 2 ways:

(a) If you change/add/delete questions then the maintenance program (MMAINT) will do it automatically once you have chosen option #6 to signal a change to the MatchMaker Door.

(b) If you choose option #7

After either of the 2 options are exercised, the files will be placed in the MatchMaker directory: MMQUESTM.DLM and MMQUESTF.DLF (one for the Male questionnaire and one for the Female questionnaire)

NOTE: A file called MMDLTEXT.E is supplied with sample verbiage that will be included at the beginning of ALL downloadable question files. We suggest that you review it to make any changes you feel would be appropriate. At a minimum you would want to add your BBS name.

The MMDLTEXT.E file, as supplied, is the English version. If you wish to create MMDLTEXT files for each language defined in the
MMQLANG.DAT file, then the names of the text files must contain the ONE-Character extension defined in the MMQLANG.DAT file. For example: the Italian version would be MMDLTEXT.I and the German version would be MMDLTEXT.G
Upload Answers to
Callers are given the option of UPLOADING the answers to the questionnaire directly to the MatchMaker Door. Typically they would download the questionnaire and then CREATE a SEPARATE and UNIQUELY NAMED ASCII file with the replies for each question on a separate line. The replies MUST be in ASCII format, NOT Zipped, and have replies for each question on a separate line. If user is responding to a question with more than one (1) choice, then the choices MUST be written as: ABCD No punctuation of any sort!

If the caller wishes to 'flag' a question as a MUST MATCH question (if the answer to this question is not a MATCH to the answer in a profile being matched, then bypass the profile) he/she would place an "O" (with out the quote marks) along with the other answer choices.. i.e.: ABO. The MUST MATCH letter "O" is ONLY valid with the SINGLE questionnaire, when the ONE questionnaire option is chosen in the CFG file OR the DESIRED MATCH questionnaire, when the TWO questionnaire option is chosen in the CFG file.
Upload/Download File
Transfer Protocols
The MatchMaker externalizes all file transfer protocols used for Uploading and Downloading of the MatchMaker questionnaire/answers. This allows the Sysop to define the file transfer protocols they wish to support.

A file called PROTOCOL.DAT is supplied with protocols already defined, which you may alter at any time. Each entry in the PROTOCOL.DAT file consists of the description that will be displayed to the caller on the Protocol Menu and the 'high level' name of the protocol's batch files.

Example: ZModem Upload or Download, ZPROT

The information to the left of the comma is the description (NOTE: Only ONE comma permitted per line and it can NOT be part of the description) a MatchMaker requires that you have 2 batch files in the MatchMaker directory to handle the uploading and downloading. In the above example ZPROT is the 'high level' portion of the 2 batch file names required for ZMODEM. Your MatchMaker directory should contain ZPROTR.BAT (the R is for uploading) and ZPROTS.BAT (the S is for downloading). The R and S suffixes MUST be present as that is what the MatchMaker will be looking for in the MatchMaker directory!

Each protocol batch file MUST contain 2 batch file variables as follows:

%1 = MatchMaker will use this variable to substitute the current ComPort
%2 = MatchMaker will use this variable to substitute the file name

IMPORTANT! Place the variable (%1 and %2) ONLY in the EXACT location that your protocol requires them, in the protocol command line. Do NOT supply the ComPort or FileName, JUST the %1 and %2 variables themselves (%1 and %2)!

See example batch files supplied with the MatchMaker.


There may come a time when you will need to supply information to the protocol you are using, based on the node it will be used on. You can accomplish this by supplying a node-specific PROTOCOL file. Everything described above stays the same except that you will name the file PROTOCOL.x (where x is the node number). For example, to use a special set of protocols (or batch files) on node number 5, modify a copy of PROTOCOL.DAT and name it PROTOCOL.5. MATCH MAKER will use PROTOCOL.5 when someone logs on node 5 and will use PROTOCOL.DAT for ALL OTHERS. You do not have to create node-specific PROTOCOL files for all nodes.. just the
node(s) that are different.
Welcome Text File
 To allow you complete flexibility in the way in which you can welcome your callers to the MatchMaker Door, you would use a Text editor to create a freeform file called MMWELCOM.E See sample file included in this ZIP file. Will ONLY display in the REGISTERED VERSION.

The MMWELCOM.E file, as supplied, is the English version. If you wish to create MMWELCOM files for each language defined in the MMQLANG.DAT file, then the names of the Welcome files must contain the ONE-Character extension defined in the MMQLANG.DAT file. For example: the Italian version would be MMWELCOM.I and the German version would be MMWELCOM.G
New Questions Bulletin
This file is displayed when the Sysop has chosen to clear the current set of questions or add more questions or change individual questions. You would use the CHANGE QUESTIONS option in the Maintenance program to signal the change to the MatchMaker Door and therefore force the callers to re-answer the new set (or individual questions). You can use the default file supplied or create your own. The file name must be called MMNEWQUE.TXT !
Trashcan File This is a text file you must create (if you wish to use one), with a file name of MMTCAN.DAT and it must reside in the Door directory.

This file is used if you want to block the use of "offensive" alias' or Logon Names, callers may choose to use. Each name (up to a maximum of 10 characters must appear on a separate line within the text file.

This file is also used to check the body of any messages left by callers for words you have in this file. All occurrences of the word(s)
will be replaced with a string of asterisk.

NOTE: The name or word must match EXACTLY !!!

This file is valid only with registered versions of the Door
State & Country Files There are 2 entries that the caller must respond to when they are entering their Personal information; STATE and COUNTRY.

You can choose to allow the caller to enter whatever they wish for those categories OR you can force the entries to match against a
set of valid entries.

There are 2 OPTIONAL files included in the MMAKER archive, MMSTATE.DAT and MMCNTRY.DAT. MMSTATE contains the valid 2 character state abbreviations used in the United States and the MMCNTRY.DAT contains the valid 3 character Country codes.

If either of the files is not found in the MMAKER directory OR if you have responded NO to the 1 or 2 of MMAKER.CFG entries that control validation of the STATE and COUNTRY entries, no validation will take place.
Question Files Setup For ALTERNATE Questionnaire Languages, please see NEXT topic.

In MatchMaker you have the option to use one or two question files for both Male and Female. The first questionnaire will contain a
SELF-DESCRIPTION set of questions (i.e.: your answers describe you) and the second questionnaire will contain a DESIRED-MATCH set of questions (i.e.: your answers describe what you are looking for in a match). You make the choice of one or two questionnaires by entering the correct response in the CFG file. If you indicate that you want 2 questionnaires then you MUST have 2 questionnaires!

The Male question files must be named MMQUESTM.QUE and MMQUES2M.QUE and the Female question files must be named MMQUESTF.QUE and MMQUES2F.QUE. The Male file, MMQUESTM.QUE, is REQUIRED to be present and the Female file, MMQUESTF.QUE, is OPTIONAL. If you do NOT want separate question files, DO NOT create the MMQUESTF.QUE file. If you do use both, bear in mind that the questions should be essentially the same, but may be "slanted" to either sex. You will not get many
matches if you use entirely different questions and answers. A sample MMQUESTM.QUE file is included to get you started.

******* You MUST run MMAINT, option 10, to convert the question files
******* after you have made a change to the questionnaire files.!!!!!!

**You can force existing users to re-answer the questions by using the option on the MMAINT menu (you MUST use the NON-event option to run MMAINT).

You may have up to 100 questions.

Each question can contain a maximum of 3 lines

Each question can have up to 14 answers.

The following is an explanation of how to set up this file:

38                                       <number of questions in this file
1                                         <number of lines in the 1st question
10                                       <number of answers
S                                         <accept single choice, M=multiple choices
How old are you?                  <question line 1
Less than 18 years old           <answer A
18 - 20 years old                   <answer B
21 - 25 years old                   <answer C
26 - 28 years old                   <answer D
29 - 32 years old                   <answer E
33 - 38 years old                   <answer F
39 - 43 years old                   <answer G
44 - 49 years old                   <answer H
50 - 60 years old                   <answer I
Over 60 years old                  <answer J
2                                          <number of lines in the 2nd question
3                                          <number of answers
M                                         <accept multiple choices, S=single choice
"Now honestly, did you tell the whole truth on the"
"questionnaire, and nothing but the truth so help you God?"
"Yes, I told the whole truth"
A few lies never hurt anyone
I told mostly the truth

In the above example the first line is the total number of questions contained in the file.

Line 2 is the number of lines in the first question.

Line 3 is the number of answers listed for the question.

Line 4 is: S to restrict caller to a SINGLE choice OR M to allow caller to select MULTIPLE choices

Line 5 is the first question in the file.

Lines 6 to 14 are the answers for the first question

The last 7 lines break down as follows:

Line 1 states that this question has two lines.

Line 2 states that there are 3 answers listed

Line 3 is the first line of the question.

Line 4 is the second line of the question.

Line 5 is the first answer.

Line 6 is the second answer.

Line 7 the third and last answer.

A line, whether a question or an answer, must be enclosed in quotation marks (") if the line contains any punctuation other then a '?'. (see example files)

The shorter the question the better. One liners are the best, three liners are the limit!

There are two questions you need not worry about including in the file. These are:

What is your Sex
What is your age

Since the program must have these to work correctly, they are asked when you first log on.
If you wish to provide your callers with alternative language choices for the questionnaire files, you must create an ASCII file named: MMQLANG.DAT

The format of the MMQLANG.DAT file is as follows:


where LANGUAGE = Name of the language
IDENTIFIER = A single, UNIQUE, character that will be used as the 3rd character of the questionnaire file EXTENSION (will also affect the download questionnaire filename and the formatted questionnaire filename)

For example, the following sample MMQLANG.DATE file

English, E
Spanish, S
Italian, I
German, G

will require that the corresponding questionnaire file(s) be named


For EACH language you will be supporting, you MUST have an ASCII questionnaire file with the language identifier as in the above example.

PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to use only ONE language, DO NOT create the MMQLANG.DAT file, but name the ASCII questionnaire file:
MatchMaker Maint.
Program (MMAINT)
The Caller Database and Message Database, that MatchMaker utilizes, must be purged periodically. The Caller database can hold an unlimited number of callers, and the Message database can hold an unlimited number of messages.

After a message is read, it is marked for deletion, but not physically deleted from the database. The maintenance program (MMAINT), when run, will remove all messages marked for deletion, as well as those messages that have been on the system longer than the number of days specified on the command line, for Events, or requested when run manually.

There are 2 ways to remove a caller from the Callers database. You can delete it manually, after searching for & viewing the record or automatically if the door has not been accessed in the number of days specified on the command line, for Events or requested when run manually.

There are a number of other options included with the MatchMaker maintenance program. They are self-explanatory.

The command line required to run MMAINT as an EVENT is as follows:

MMAINT vvvvvvv.CFG /MDAYS:yy /CDAYS:zzz

The command line required to run MMAINT MANUALLY is as follows:

MMAINT vvvvvvv.CFG

vvvvvvv.CFG = MatchMaker Configuration File
yyy = Delete message if message is older than yyy days.
zzz = Delete User if MMAKER not accessed in zzz days.

As you can see, you can run MMAINT in your nightly event and/or manually. Just adjust the command line, accordingly.

Special Note: The only option available to Non=Registered users is the option to search/view a caller's record. All other require
you to run a registered copy of MatchMaker.
Database Exchange

The optional Match Maker Database Exchange feature will allow you to participate in the exchange of Match Maker Users and Message databases with other BBS' (Any number of BBS' can participate). The exchange program (MMEXCH) comes included in the MMAKERxx.ZIP file.

MMEXCH performs three (3) major functions:

(1) EXPORT: Extracts all active users and messages from the Match Maker database. It creates 2 files named XXXXXXXX.UXP and
XXXXXXXX.MEX (XXXXXXXX is defined in the CFG file) and will bypass any USER or MESSAGE already flagged for deletion.

(2) IMPORT: Imports the XXXXXXXX.UXP and XXXXXXXX.MEX (XXXXXXXX is defined in the CFG file) created by the EXPORT option and merges all USERS and MESSAGES into the Match Maker database. It will not import any USERS or MESSAGES that duplicates
USERS or MESSAGES found in the existing database. Note that this option will IMPORT ALL files with an extension of UXP or MEX, during a single execution of the program.

(3) IMPEXP: This option will first IMPORT (as in (2) above) then turn around and EXPORT (as in (1) above) during one execution
of the program.

NOTE: If you want to extract all entries in the database, use the ALL option on the command line. If you want to extract ALL entries
generated from YOUR BBS ONLY, then use ALLMINE or use NEW to only extract new entries.

All BBS' involved in the exchange MUST run registered versions of BOTH Match Maker and Match Maker Exchange (MMEXCH). MMEXCH will only work with version 4.x of Match Maker and later!

It is critical that ALL participants in the exchange use the SAME QUESTION files (Male and Female versions). Failure to do so will result in incorrect matching and possible Door malfunctions!


If you are a HUB and you wish to IGNORE (BYPASS) certain BBS names during the import phase, create a file called MMIGNORE.DAT and enter the BBS names, one to a line. The BBS names are CASE SENSITIVE!


The MatchMaker Exchange program will exit with an ErrorLevel based on which files (Users, Messages and/or Pictures) were created. Using these ErrorLevels you will be able to determine which BATCH file steps should or should not be executed. ErrorLevels produced are as follows:

Files Exported Error Level
-------------- ----------
Profiles Only............................... 2
Messages Only............................... 3
Pictures Only............................... 4
Profiles & Messages......................... 5
Profiles & Pictures......................... 6
Messages & Pictures......................... 7
Profiles & Messages & Pictures.............. 9

To run the Exchange you do the following:

* >>>>> If you are acting as a HUB you MUST signal MMEXCH.EXE by using  *
* IMPEXP. If you fail to do this you will not be able to export                           *
* newly imported Users/Messages.                                                               *

EXPORT: a) Change to the directory containing your MMAKER files
              b) Issue this command: MMEXCH EXPORT MMAKER.CFG ALL If you use a different name for your Config file, then
                  substitute that name for MMAKER.CFG
              c) Send (transmit) the XXXXXXXX.UXP and XXXXXXXX.MEX files to those involved in the exchange or to the HUB.
              d) Delete XXXXXXXX.UXP and XXXXXXXX.MEX

IMPORT: a) Change to the directory containing your MMAKER files
              b) Copy the XXXXXXXX.UXP and XXXXXXXX.MEX files that was sent to you by the BBS you are exchanging with, to the              directory used in item (a) above.
              c) Issue the command: MMEXCH IMPORT MMAKER.CFG ALL
                  If you use a different name for your Config file, then substitute that name for MMAKER.CFG
              d) Delete XXXXXXXX.UXP and XXXXXXXX.MEX

IMPEXP: a) Change to the directory containing your MMAKER files
             b) Copy the XXXXXXXX.UXP and XXXXXXXX.MEX files that were sent to you by the BBS you are exchanging with, to the directory used in a)
             c) Issue the command: MMEXCH IMPEXP MMAKER.CFG ALL
                 If you use a different name for your Config file, then substitute that name for MMAKER.CFG
             d) Send (transmit) the XXXXXXXX.UXP and XXXXXXXX.MEX files to those involved in the exchange or to the HUB.
NOTE: When registering MMEXCH, you MUST use the EXACT SAME Sysop Name AND BBS NAME as used for MATCH MAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!


You must ensure that the MMEXCH.CFG is located in the Match Maker directory. A sample MMEXCH.CFG is included in the MMAKER archive. The entries within the CFG file have comment lines (prefixed with a semi-colon [;]) to explain what the entries mean. We will duplicate the sample file below, in case the original is misplaced in the future.

;MMEXCH.CFG (Required for v5.2 or later of MMEXCH)
;Next line contains the INBOUND directory. The DRIVE:\PATH\ where MMEXCH
;can find files to be IMPORTED
;Next line contains the OUTBOUND directory. The DRIVE:\PATH\ where MMEXCH
;will place it's EXPORT files
;You can ZIP up ALL files created, into ONE file. If you enter NONE, then the
;program will NOT create a single file, else enter a FILENAME to be used and
;do NOT add an extension (the program will add .ZIP)
;Next line is the DRIVE:\PATH\ to your NETMAIL directory or use the word NONE
;if you do not have or do not wish to use a Front-End mailer to send or
;receive exchange files.
;Purge ALL User Profiles whose last access date is greater than the number of
;days entered on NEXT line. If a 0 is entered then NO purging takes place.
;Purge ALL Messages whose Message Date is greater than the number of days
;entered on NEXT line. If a 0 is entered then NO purging takes place.
;If you entered NONE in response to your NETMAIL directory (above) there
;is NO need to enter any more information below
;Enter YOUR net address as xxx:yyyy/zzzz
;If you are a NODE, you must enter the HUB's net address and whether you wish
;to CRASH the files to the HUB or place the files on HOLD. The format of the
;line is as follows:
;Position 1 : xxx:yyyy/zzzz (ZONE:NET/NODE)
;Position 15: (H)old or (C)rash or (N)either <Refers to USER Profiles .UXP>
;Position 17: (H)old or (C)rash or (N)either <Refers to MESSAGES .MEX>
;Position 19: (H)old or (C)rash or (N)either <Refers to PICTURES .PXP>
;Position 21: (H)old or (C)rash or (N)either <Refers to combined ZIP file >
1:133/6003 C H N
;If you are a HUB you follow the same instructions as above, only you will be
;entering information about ALL of your NODES ( 1 node per line)
Picture Attach and
Picture Downloading
Match Maker allows the Sysop to attach a picture to a User's profile. The Sysop has TOTAL control over whether to make this option available. By making this an option the Sysop can ensure that the pictures conform to his/her BBS guidelines.

The format of the picture files are left up to the Sysop (i.e.: GIF, PCX, etc). The caller uploads the picture file to the BBS (hopefully a private upload). If the Sysop, after reviewing the file, accepts it he/she uses the Match Maker Maintenance program (MMAINT Option 1, EDIT) to edit the caller's profile and add the FILENAME of the picture to the appropriate field in the caller's record. The Drive:\Path\ to the Picture Filename must be defined in the MMAKER.CFG file.

Callers that choose to view another callers profile, will be informed that there is a picture available for Downloading/Viewing. The caller is given the option of downloading it and viewing it offline OR if they are using a terminal program with a GIF viewer TSR, viewing it as they download it.

If Match Maker finds a file named PICTURE.TXT, it will display it prior to asking if the caller wishes to download/view the picture file. You may place any verbiage you wish in the PICTURE.TXT file. It can be used to tell the caller what format the picture is in... assuming you have standardized on one format or you can tell the user how he/she can submit pictures for attachment to their profile.
COMPRESS.DAT To give the Sysop more control over the archiving/unarchiving of the Picture files, we have externalized the Compression function. By externalizing we mean that you MUST create your own batch files to execute the Compression program any way you want, using the archiver of your choice. We will pass 2 parameters to each batch file as follows (we will use PKZIP and PKUNZIP for the examples):

PKZIP %1 %2
where %1 = ZIP file name
%2 = Files to be ZIPPED

where %1 = ZIP file to be unzipped
%2 = pathname from MMAKER.CFG into which you will UNZIP Pictures

The name of the Batch files must be placed in a file called COMPRESS.DAT. T The supplied program, MMTXTMOD, allows the Sysop to make changes to the text and colors displayed during the execution of the Match Maker. Please be aware that not all text will be eligible to be changed, we feel that we have covered majority.

This utility will come in handy for those BBS' located in parts of the world where English is NOT the predominant language. There is a limit to the number of character you can use for each line of text, so be sure to PLAN CAREFULLY.

The program will always maintain the original text supplied with Match maker and will allow you to restore that text at any time.

At the present time there is one drawback that you should be aware of. If we release a new version of MMAKER.TXT (text file), you will have to re-enter the text/color changes you have made to the prior version. We recommend that you always keep a hardcopy printout of the changes you have made (use the Print option of MMTXTMOD).

To execute, at the DOS prompt type: MMTXTMOD here must be only 2 entries in this file, the first is the name of the ARCHIVER batch file name and the second the name of the UnARCHIVER batch file name.

A sample COMPRESS.DAT is included, using PKZIP/PKUNZIP and the sample Batch files (ZIP.BAT and UNZIP.bat), can be found in the MMBATCH.ZIP file in the MMAKER directory.
Match Maker Text
The supplied program, MMTXTMOD, allows the Sysop to make changes to the text and colors displayed during the execution of the Match Maker. Please be aware that not all text will be eligible to be changed, we feel that we have covered majority.

This utility will come in handy for those BBS' located in parts of the world where English is NOT the predominant language. There is a limit to the number of character you can use for each line of text, so be sure to PLAN CAREFULLY.

The program will always maintain the original text supplied with Match maker and will allow you to restore that text at any time.

At the present time there is one drawback that you should be aware of. If we release a new version of MMAKER.TXT (text file), you will have to re-enter the text/color changes you have made to the prior version. We recommend that you always keep a hardcopy printout of the changes you have made (use the Print option of MMTXTMOD).

To execute, at the DOS prompt type: MMTXTMOD
Troubleshooting (1) If you are running this Door on a 486 system and encounter errors such as

ERROR 5.... ILLEGAL Function Call (may be associated with other problems)
KEYBOARD Timeout after 5 minutes

You may have to put the following line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:


(2) If you encounter an Error 62 (Input Past End of File), BEFORE you see the opening screen of the Door, your problem will more than likely be associated with the CFG file. The error 62 means that you do not have enough entries in the CFG. Compare your CFG file with the CFG definition in the DOC file.

(3) If you encounter an ERROR 70... Permission Denied, this will more than likely mean that you DO NOT have SHARE loaded. SHARE is a DOS file that comes with your version of DOS. To load it type the word SHARE at the DOS prompt. To load it permanently type the word SHARE on a line by itself in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, any place prior to the loading of your BBS
software. There have been numerous reports that loading SHARE high causes some problems, so to be on the safe side, do not load it high.
Usage Log As an option, we provide you with the ability to log every player to a text file. IF you enter Y in the CFG file to log callers, the Door will place the caller's name as well as the ON and OFF times each time a caller selects the Door. A separate file will be created for each Node and the name of the file will be USAGEx, where x is the Node number.

You may delete these files at any time and the Door will recreate them the next time a caller enters the Door. If you do NOT want to continue logging callers, change the CFG file entry to N.
In the REGISTERED version of the Door, your players will be able to send messages back and forth to each other. All messages are PRIVATE and all messages are maintained within the Door itself and has no connection to the BBS' message bases. The Message file (PAIR3.MSG) will be restarted when the Door game restarts at the beginning of each month. If you do not restart your games on the first of each month then you must manually delete the MSG file. The file will continue to grow if not deleted and restarted.
Non-Standard COM
Support for COM 1-4 on the standard IRQ's - COM1/COM3 = IRQ4 and COM2/COM4 = IRQ3. If you wish to use a non-standard IRQ, add the IRQ number after the configuration filename. Let's assume your Door is called FOOBAR and you want to use COM1 and IRQ5. The command line passed to your Door would be:


The /5 tells FOOBAR to use IRQ5 rather than the standard IRQ4 that is normally used with COM1. No /x parameter is needed for the standard IRQ's.

As an alternative, you may use an environmental variable on the command line. To use the variable (following the example above), place a SET IRQ=5 in the batch file used to bring up your BBS (you would need a different IRQ number for each node). The command line would now look like this:


This, in combination with the use of the environmental variables described in the MULTI-NODE SETUP section will allow you to use one batch file and one Configuration file to run this door on all nodes.
Multi-Node Setup All Sunrise Doors are Multi-Node capable. Each node must have the ability to access a Configuration file which will have its own system file (DORINFOx.DEF, PCBOARD.SYS, DOOR.SYS, etc) defined on the first line. There are 2 ways to accomplish this:

(1) Create a separate configuration file for each node. The only difference between each file would be the location of the system
file for that particular node. For example, on my system there are 2 nodes and the first line of the Configuration files would look like this:


Thus, if you have a 4 node BBS, you will need 4 configuration files.

(2) Use ONE configuration file for ALL nodes. This Door will recognize the following PCBoard/Wildcat environmental variables:

PCBDIR (Directory containing the System file)
PCBDRIVE (Drive containing the System file)
WCNODEID (Active Node Number)

Thus, the first line of the SINGLE configuration file, for this Door would look like this:


NOTE: This option, as described, assumes that you are running PCB or Wildcat software. The environmental variables are automatically created by the software for each node.

HOWEVER, if you are running other BBS software you should be able to set the variables EXACTLY as described below, for EACH node (more than likely in each batch file you use to bring up EACH node):


Info with a carat (^) under it, MUST be typed as is. The rest depends on your naming conventions.

This, in combination with the use of the optional environmental variable described in the NON-STANDARD COM SUPPORT section, will allow you to use one batch file and one Configuration file to run this door on all nodes.
Distribution You may make this file available for downloading from your BBS or you may upload it to any BBS or WEB site of your choice, provided that you do not make any changes to the contents of the archive (ZIP/EXE file). The archive and its individual contents may not be used by any service that charges any money whatsoever, without the written permission of the author.
Registration Registration and the subsequent insertion of the registration number into your configuration file, allows for the display of your BBS name on the opening and closing screen as well as the reduction of a delay built into the opening screen display along with the ability to change certain values in the configuration file.

Once a door is registered, any changes to registration information (Sysop name or BBS Name) will require the doors to be re-registered at the registration fee in effect at that time.

Be sure to use the proper upper/lower case when filling in your name and BBS name, as they MUST match the way you entered them in the configuration file.
Misc. The latest version this product, along with and other fine DOOR and HOME EDITION products are always available for download from this web site.

Moving Eye Line

Moving Eye Line

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