Sunrise Door and Home Software

WORD STAIRWAY WINServer Documentation

Version 3.2
Author/Contact Al Lawrence/Sunrise Door Software
Overview STAIRWAY is a challenging word game that will put your vocabulary skills to the test. The computer selects the starting letter and the player must make words ranging from 2-7 letters in length. A rather extensive dictionary is included.
- No Bulletins created
- Games per day limited to 1
- Makeup days disabled
- Game time limit disabled
- Reset Game at end of Month disabled
- Allow Sysop to play unlimited number of games disabled
- Allow Player to Send and Read Messages from the Door Message Center
- Additional dictionary is not available
Installation (1) Create a directory to hold all files
(2) Unzip the archive into the above directory
(3) MOVE the WCX file to your WC5 directory and delete it from the directory created in step (1)
(4) Create a menu entry to run the wcBASIC Door and you MUST pass the FULL drive:\path of the directory as a command line parameter when defining the Door on the menu. An example follows:

Program Name: STAIRWAY
Parameter:      c:\wc5\doors\STAIRWAY

(5) Modify the supplied CFG file. A description follows:


# = Requires registration to change to a different value.

** = You can allow certain security levels to play a specific number of times per day instead of the default number specified
previously in the CFG file. The format of each line is:

NOTE: There are NO Blank Lines in the Config File!!
Al Lawrence Sysop's First AND Last name
00000000 Registration Number
# 2 Maximum # of Games per day (MAX=99)
# 0 Max # of days a caller can make up, during calls in one day. 0=Disable Make-up Option
Maximum value = 27, Minimum value = 1
Y Y = Log all callers to USAGEx
N = Do not log callers
# N Automatic game reset at end of month:
Y = Yes enable auto reset
N = Keep accumulating scores
# 0 Time Allowed in Door per day. (0 = BBS Time remaining)
2 1 = DO NOT Display ADOPT-A-DOOR Message
2 = Display ADOPT-A-DOOR message
# NONE Drive:\Path\Filename to contain the Top Score Bulletin or enter NONE for NO Bulletin creation.
# NONE Drive:\Path\Filename to contain the Hall of Fame Bulletin or enter NONE for NO Bulletin creation.
# Y Y = Allow Sysop to have 99 games
N = Do Not Allow Sysop 99 games
000 Unique 3-digit number used as a suffix for the exported score file name, if you wish to participate in an Inter-BBS game. 000=no Inter-BBS participation.
# Y Y = Allow player to send PRIVATE messages from the Door Message Center
N = Do NOT allow PRIVATE messages
# 0 Place PRIVATE messages in this BBS Conf #
# Y Y = Allow player to send PUBLIC messages addressed to ALL from Message Center
N = Do NOT allow PUBLIC messages
# 1 Place PUBLIC messages in this BBS conf. #
# Y Y = Allow Player to Check for Mail from the Door Message Center
N = Do NOT allow Check for Mail
# 1000 BONUS earned if ALL stairs are completed
Y Allow player to send EMAIL to Door Author
xxxx@yyyyyyy.zzz Door Author's EMAIL Address
# NONE Full Drive\path\filename for High Score Bulletin file (HTML Format)
# NONE Full Drive\path\filename for Hall of Fame Bulletin file (HTML Format)
NONE=0 **
NONE=0 **
NONE=0 **
NONE=0 **
NONE=0 **
NONE The path and filename of the background you wish to use for the HTML Bulletins.
If you do not want to define a background then enter NONE on this line!
G Door Rating. Default is G.
Maximum Characters: 5

Maintenance None
Stairway Dictionary Please be advised that we are aware that the dictionary is NOT all inclusive. We realize that there may be (and probably are) words that are not included. If you, or your callers, find missing words, then please forward them to the author and he will ensure that they are added (provided the word appears in the dictionary we use. A new version of the dictionary will be made available on the support board as well as being included in subsequent STAIRWAY versions.
Adding Words To The
If you find that the dictionary does not include certain words, you can add the words to an alternate dictionary. This dictionary will be searched for valid words along with the supplied dictionary. The STAIRWAY Door MUST be registered for you to take advantage of this feature. The program supplied, SUNSYALT.WCX, should be set up exactly as you set up the STAIRWAY Door (move the WCX to the \wc5 directory and supply the path to the STAIRWAY directory on the command line). In addition I would add the Door to your sysop menu, giving only yourself access rights. When you want to add words to the dictionary run it from the sysop Menu or as an alternative you can use wcRUN to execute it.
Usage Log As an option, we provide you with the ability to log every player to a text file. IF you enter Y in the CFG file to log callers, the Door will place the caller's name as well as the ON and OFF times each time a caller selects the Door. A separate file will be created for each Node and the name of the file will be USAGEx, where x is the Node number.

You may delete these files at any time and the Door will recreate them the next time a caller enters the Door. If you do NOT want to continue logging callers, change the CFG file entry to N.
Make-Up-Days The Make-Up-Day feature allows the caller to make up any plays he/she missed during the current month and prior to the current call. You control whether to allow this option, as well as the number of days the caller can make up, on any particular days worth of calls. Entering a 0 (zero) for this option, in the
configuration file, turns the option OFF, any other value (up to a max of 27) turns the option ON and dictates the number of days the caller can make up.

NOTE: The number of games per day is calculated as follows...

Games Allowed per day x Number of makeup days.

Example: Games Allowed per day = 2
Max # of makeup days = 4

If a caller logs in on 5/8/01 and this is their first call of the month, they would have a potential of 16 games to makeup and bring them current (8 days (5/8/92) * 2 (games per day)). However, since the maximum # of Makeup Days is set at 4, the maximum # of games the caller can play on 5/8/92, is 8 (games allowed * max # of makeup days).
Hall Of Fame Bulletins The program will automatically reset the game when the first caller of the month plays the game. The score file will be cleared and a Hall of Fame file will be created. The file will be called SUNHOF.SCO. The files will be placed in the Door directory.

This file is written with WC @ codes and will display in color or black and white depending on the callers' setting.

WARNING: The HOF file is a cumulative file. That means it is read in each month and updated. DO NOT DELETE THE FILE!!!! or you will lose
the record of prior months winners!!!!
Adopt-A-Door The concept, ADOPT-A-DOOR, allows a caller to register (ADOPT) a door. It would be the same as sending in a donation, only this way it is earmarked for registering a particular door. In a way, the user feels he/she is "getting something in return". As a Door author I have decided to build this concept into each of my Door programs. The concept replaces the usual message "tell the Sysop to register this Door" we find in most

If the Door is unregistered then a message appears on the opening screen to that effect. After finishing or suspending a game, a message screen is displayed about the ADOPT-A-DOOR concept. The message also tells the caller to contact the Sysop to find out if there is any further details to the ADOPT-A-DOOR concept. Some Sysops give extra D/L time, online time, etc to callers that ADOPT-A-DOOR.

If the Door has been registered, either by the Sysop or other callers, the names of those contributors will be displayed in the closing screen.

NOTE: If you want to display the names of the callers that contributed to registering the Door, you must create an ASCII file called ADOPT.SYS. You create it with an ASCII text editor. Enter the names of the contributors (one on each line, maximum of 5 entries, each a maximum of 30 characters long). This file must be saved, in ASCII format, and placed in the Door directory.
Distribution You may make this file available for downloading from your BBS or you may upload it to any BBS or WEB site of your choice, provided that you do not make any changes to the contents of the archive (ZIP/EXE file). The archive and its individual contents may not be used by any service that charges any money whatsoever, without the written permission of the author.
Registration Registration and the subsequent insertion of the registration number into your configuration file, allows for the display of your BBS name on the opening and closing screen as well as the reduction of a delay built into the opening screen display along with the ability to change certain values in the configuration file.

Once a door is registered, any changes to registration information (Sysop name or BBS Name) will require the doors to be re-registered at the registration fee in effect at that time.

Be sure to use the proper upper/lower case when filling in your name and BBS name, as they MUST match the way you entered them in the configuration file.
Misc. The latest version this product, along with and other fine DOOR and HOME EDITION products are always available for download from this web site.

Moving Eye Line

Moving Eye Line

Last modified: March 28, 2018        Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional